Wow! I can't believe today is my due date! I guess Mallorie is very cozy in my tummy. I am very excited I made it to my due date, but I am very ready to meet my baby. Here is the status on her arrival:
Last Thursday I had gone to the doctor and was 70% effaced but had not dilated. So, yesterday we went to the doctor and I am still 70% effaced and dilated to about 1/2 cm. I lost 3 lbs which puts me at a total of 32 now. We actually did a sonogram and got to see Mallorie again- which was AMAZING!--CAN'T WAIT FOR THE REAL DEAL! She is weighing about 6 lbs 2 oz and looked great. Her heart was beating strong and she was practicing breathing. The plan is to see if my body will just naturally go into labor this week. If for some reason that does not happen then we will go in on Monday for another check up and make a game plan- which will most likely be going in on the 7th to be induced. Nathan and I went and walked at the mall for almost an hour today to try to get the ball rolling some more. It looks like lots of walking is planned for the next 7 days. Please pray that Mallorie decides to come on her own, but if not that the induction will be successful next week. Most importantly just pray that she arrives here safely however that may be.
Hang in there! Praying for a smooth delivery!