Thursday, August 30, 2012

Funny Things

Okay, I have to document some funny moments since becoming a mom.

  • every night I have this dream I guess it is that I am nursing a baby and I am waiting for the baby in the bassinet to wake up so that I can lay down this other baby.  I will have my hands in the perfect places to hold this baby as I carefully get out of bed to see if the other baby is ready to get up.   I then wake up to my hand pretty much holding my boob realizing that I already fed Mallorie and she is asleep again in her (this is very crazy because I don't even feed her in the bed)
  • I have also dug in the sheets trying to find her panicked that I feel asleep with her and she is covered up.
  • I have held Roxi trying to figure out why my baby is so furry.
  • Nathan and I were watching TV the other night and a commerical came on that made me think of red bull so I ask him, "What is the animal that goes with Red Bull again?"---his response..."Uhh...a BULL!" - OMG---maybe I'm not getting enough sleep.hehe
Being a parent definately makes me laugh! I love this baby girl!


  1. I can't wait to hold little Mallorie again! She already looks so much bigger!

  2. This will be priceless in the years to come. My favorite is holding Roxi and wondering why my baby is so furry!!! lol Love the pictures. You & Mallorie coming to visit was the best part of this week!

  3. Why does none of this really surprise me. Just kidding you know I love you!
