Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mallorie is 7 Months!

Wow! Where has the time gone?! Mallorie is growing up way to fast. I feel like the last month she is hitting all these big milestones or is very close to doing so. So many neat changes. Watching a baby learn and grow is amazing. Here is a little bit about my baby girl at 7 months.

Size- 17 lbs
Wears- size 3 diaper, 9 & 12 month clothing and a few 6 still

Schedule- very baby led schedule...when you are tired you sleep, hungry you eat... Doesn't matter what time. This works best for you and me!

Things you love- still make-up toy set, baby Einstein music box, puppy dog that talks, stroller, car rides

Food- still nursing and eats baby food occasionally. She tried bananas this week and liked them.

Sleep- she started sleeping better between 5-6 months ,but got sick shortly after 6 month checkup we are just trying to get her well and hoping for her to rest comfortably however long that may be. Poor baby has such an awful cough and was put through the ringer on Monday with a chest X-ray and starting breathing treatments. X-ray was clear-praise The Lord! And the breathing treatments are helping!

- Milestones- now is rolling both ways everywhere, almost sitting by yourself, talking up a and da a lot!, your first tooth is poking through! Still reaching for us, separation/stranger anxiety

Personality- loves to be held and played with, does not like to be alone for even a second. Sweet as can be!

I just love this baby to pieces and look forward to all the fun we will continue to have together!


  1. What a cutie! She has GROWN SO MUCH!! I miss ya'll and can't wait to see you!

  2. Mallorie is so serious in the first picture. I'm sure she's wondering what I'm laughing at! She is just precious and it is so much fun to watch her grow and come into her own personality! She has the sweetest voice and smile....she just chooses to keep the smile a secret in the pictures! Probably trying to figure out why all the pictures? Love you all.
