Today I am 22 weeks. I can't believe how fast this is going. I am over half way there! |
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Mail for Mallorie
Today my baby girl got her first item of mail. I was so excited about opening the package that I cut my finger on the box . Thank you Aunt Lauri!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
21 Weeks!
How far along? 21 weeks
How big is baby? About the size of a banana.
Total weight gain? I go to the doctor Friday so we will see officially then. But, according my scale 10 lbs. I have been extra hungry this week though, so we will see if it increases.hehe
Sleep? Hit and Miss. Some nights I sleep amazingly and other nights I toss and turn all night. This week I have had terrible nightmares about being attacked so that definatly disrupts my sleep.
Best moment of the week? Announcing Mallorie's name to everyone.
Food cravings? I haven't really been craving anything. Most of the time potatoes of any kind always sound good though.
Food aversions? Well at the moment I don't think there is anything that I am just grossed out by, but for a while there I could hardly stand the sight and smell of raw meat of any kind. I feel like I have pretty much lived on Chicken Noodle Soup since the beginning of the pregnancy.
Symptoms: The nausea has finally slowed down. Every once in a while still in the mornings I get a little nauseaous which Nathan says is because I am waking up to late and running around likea maniac to get ready for work. Is he right? Most likely.....I do love to sleep in as late as I can!
Mood this week: Happy!
Movement: I have not really felt anything that I can definately say is the baby.
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling the baby kick and knowing that it for sure just happened.
What I miss: I probably miss a good coke the most.
Next appointment: March 23rd.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Blue or Pink...What do you think?
So, last Tuesday was our big appointment where we got to find out the sex of the baby. Our appointment was not until 3:00 so we were kept in suspense all day long. After our appointment we were supposed to go to our regular check-up, but my OB got called in to do a c-section so they rescheduled us. Well, we had a revealing party planned for that night at 5:30 and Nathan was not about to let us go early becausee he just knew I would spill the beans. I am pretty good at keeping secrets, but not very good at avoiding the truth when asked point blank...especially when my sister asks. She has on several occasions tricked me into telling her what her Christmas presents were. So, we went home for about an hour before heading to the party. Our plan was to have balloons filled with a piece of paper saying boy or girl. Everyone would have to work together becasue some balloons said boy, some said girl, but the majority would be the winner. So everyone started popping balloons and spreading out the boy/girl tags. Well, somehow in the chaos the balloon that would settle the score went missing. So we had 7 boys/7 girls. Nathan had to take the papers to the other room and pull out a tag and then let everyone do it again. Here are some pictures of the big event.
Our predictions:
Coming August 2012
*Mallorie Kate Conner*
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Time to Catch up!
Okay- for some of you this is going to be picture overload. But, I want to have these later on so I will remember all the wonderful moments of being pregnant. Weeks 8-20:
Thursday, March 15, 2012
A Quick Recap!
Three and a half years ago is where it all began. This was the day Nathan and I got married. Nathan is the sweetest guy on earth. He puts up with all my sillyness and helps balance out my very much type A personality. He has helped me learned to relax and go with the flow. I love him dearly and I feel like the luckiest girl on earth to have him. Here is us on the big day and then us this past July.
Here is the most precious gift I ever received. This is Roxi. I got her for my college graduation present. She is now 4 years old. Get use to seeing her in a lot of pictures! She is the sweetest, cuddliest, and kissiest dog you will ever meet. I am a little biased...can you tell?!
It has just been us 3 for the last 3 1/2 years until late November when we found out we were pregnant! As I mentioned earlier I am a huge planner and think we need our whole lives planned out in sharpie ASAP. Nathan on the other hand whose favorite saying is, "We will see" had other things in mind for us. So the baby discussion began and I quickly figured out we were getting nowhere because I guess I wanted to know the exact day we were going to start trying to have a baby and he could not tell me that. So, I was on the last week of my pills in one of my packets and he finally gave the okay and said, "I guess you don't need to start a new pack." But, he made me promise that I would not tell a soul that were off birth control. This was very difficult because for 1 my family tells each other EVERYTHING!!! For 2- just to keep something so huge a secret was very hard. But- I was very proud of my self and never told anybody. So, it was late November and I was like 4 days late and that is very unusual for me and I just knew I was pregnant, but also felt like I was just being silly. So, I went to work that Monday and got very nauseous and so I immediately went and bought a pregnancy test. So, I took if before Nathan had gotten home and it showed up positive. It was a very faint line-but it was there! I checked several times to make sure I wasn't crazy. So, when Nathan got home I was just grinning from ear to ear and told him that I was about 99% sure I was pregnant. His response-- a smile and , "Are you sure you took the test right?!" So, then I kept the huge secret that I was pregnant for about 2 more weeks. So, I guess I was about 8 weeks and Nathan's mom and dad came over one Saturday morning and Nathan is signaling me across the room with head gestures that I can tell! If you know me I am very literal and need things spelled out in black and white. So, I am trying to figure out if he he really telling me to do what I think he is. So, I finally decide that he is saying that I am allowed to tell so I tell his parents and then we went to tell my family. My family was very shocked considereing they did not even know we were trying which made it a blast revealing the big secret to them. I am now 20 weeks along and I am due August 1st. Here is this weeks baby bump!
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